Getting the Most out of Grid Modernization
The risk vs. reward calculus looks different in a regulated utility context than it does in a competitive market. Keeping these differences in mind, these ...
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Distributed Generation to Support Development-Focused Climate Action
This paper explores the role of DG, with a high renewable energy contribution, in supporting low emission climate resilient development. The paper presents ...
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Vulnerability Assessment Methodologies: A Review of the Literature
This literature review provides an overview of the tools and methods used to measure vulnerability, as pertains to development interventions focused on ...
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Climate Change and the Electricity Sector: Guide for Climate Change Resilience Planning
This Guide provides a broad framework for assessing the vulnerability of electric utility assets and operations to climate change and extreme weather and ...
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Getting Wind and Solar onto the Grid
This recently released report by the International Energy Agency (IEA) provides a comprehensive review and clarification of the challenges and solutions for ...
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Enhancing Power Sector Resilience: Emerging Practices to Manage Weather and Geological Risks
Over the past 20 years, natural disasters have become more frequent, and the costs of associated damages and losses are rising. In 2012 alone, the 357 natural ...
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Promoting Resilience in the Energy Sector
This report describes the workshop proceedings and outcomes of a three-day workshop focusing on capacity-building training on the methodology for evaluating ...
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Storm Hardening and Resiliency Collaborative Phase Three Report
Super Storm Sandy struck the eastern coast of the United States in 2012, devastating communities and energy systems. This report documents a local utility's ...
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Before And After The Storm
A compilation of recent studies, programs, and policies related to storm hardening and resiliency, including measures or undergrounding, vegetation management, ...
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Distributed Energy Planning for Climate Resilience
Climate resilient solutions are being adopted and implemented at various levels of government across the United States and globally. Solutions vary based on ...
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