CCREEE Webinar: Introduction to Modelling Tools (A Part of the IRRP Capacity Building Series)

There are various tools involved in developing medium and long-term plans for the electricity sector. Whether planners are building models and forecasts themselves or evaluating the work of external consultants, they need an appreciation for the techniques and theory behind the models and forecast for electricity supply, transmission, distribution and demand.

The Caribbean Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (CCREEE) hosted a capacity building session on modelling tools, held virtually on Wednesday, November 4, 2020.

This was an introductory presentation on various tools used in electricity sector planning, ranging from simple to sophisticated, as well as how these tools are interconnected. This session was conducted with our partners and kind supporters, The National Renewable Energy Labs (NREL) and Energy Exemplar and the tools covered will be PLEXOS, RETScreen, ENGAGE, REopt, HOMER and LEAP.

This is a recording of the webinar.